Monday, February 27, 2017

There's Science and There's "Weird Science"

Come for the teasers about "Weird Science" and stay for when Kelly LeBrock turns Bill Paxton into a giant toad-like thing which sometimes eats flies.

Antagonizing a woman is a bad idea anyway but antagonizing one who knows science has consequences, one of which may be getting turned into a giant toad-like thing with a crew cut.

Some think first of Bill Paxton in "Aliens" but he was nuts in "Weird Science" and he may be the only actor who made his Hollywood debut as a large fly-eating amphibian.  Steven Seagal's career might have been quite different if he had tried it too.

Note:  Steven Seagal is or was married to Kelly LeBrock.

- "Lady in Red"

Yevette advises me Bill Paxton's home town was in Fort Worth.  (WIKI:  Bill Paxton)

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