Tuesday, February 28, 2017

What's Hot on the Blog 2/28


Donald Trump - fifty billion or so additional for the military but zip to combat infectious disease

The Panda King - his rulership is unquestioned (the picture was not from the same source as the video but maybe they're the same pandas)

When Sex - a robo cathouse, fo' real ... and it won't be the first ... is that a dream come true or what

North Korea - people don't seem to question things too much, particularly just how is it even possible to whack someone with an anti-aircraft gun

Now a Cameo - every man in the world looks better just because we're not Alex Jones.  In this one he goes on about liberals praising Lucifer and it was so wtf it needed validation.

When the State - how about a bonus from the state when you make a baby, mother?  At least two countries are considering that due to low birth rates.

Release - got to get the CD released after way too much yap about doing it

What's Hot

Supper's Ready - a remarkable cover by two pianos

Racism - this article has got some major staying power but it needs about a thousand reads to make the all-time hit list.  It's a tough go for a new one to break into that list.

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