Saturday, February 11, 2017

The Trumpish Deplorables Can't Buy a Clue, Even with "Les Mis" @_queazy_

The astounding ignorance in posting anything in association with Trump along with "Do You Hear the People Sing" is one of the most ludicrous efforts so far toward cultural appropriation by the Deplorables.

Here at the Rockhouse, we're assuming you're not cultural ingrates and are aware the reason people were singing in "Les Miserables" was part of the French Revolution and the people who got their heads chopped by it were the Deplorable bank suckers of that time.

Gad, where did they find those self-important dilettantes who don't manifest the educational level of the average marine amphibian.

Ed:  elitist prick!

Oh, right.  Tell me you didn't see "Les Mis" in play, movie, or book form ... and I'll weep for you if it's true.

Here's one more time with the song as it was written to be performed, magnificently and not as some simple sop for the statists.

The Deplorables couldn't have missed the point more if they went to the World Series and started throwing a football.

The actual consequence of what the Deplorables do came first to Eponine.

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