Sunday, February 5, 2017

Art in the Netherlands Once Came from Vincent

Now art in the Netherlands comes from a gnome with a bell and a butt plug.

The photograph is not tricked and you can see from the distance the shadow runs toward the building this isn't some tiny model which was made to appear large by the camera.

It's art, damn it.

Ed:  it could still be a trick since those bicycles are tiny behind it.  If the camera were super close then the perspective trick might work to make it seem large when it's not.

I don't think that happened since the detail of the gnome or at least the butt plug would be much higher relative to the rest and that doesn't seem to be the case.

Note:  don't be snickering, Cincinnati, or we'll roll out some of the worthless crap your culture club bought for big money and which subsequently ended up, I guess, at the bottom of the Ohio River.

I didn't know the purpose of a butt plug until relatively late in life and, probably not at all surprising to you is the fact I have an observation, if you're needing a butt plug to improve your sex life then you probably weren't doing it right in the first place.

Ed:  like you're such a Kama Sutra master!

I ain't but I must not have been the worst since I never got to thinking, well, if I could just stick a gnome's butt plug into my rear portal then Earth will really move.

Ed:  this has something to do with Geert Wilders!

Almost undoubtedly.  The Netherlands are now the land of ganja, butt plugs, and Geert Wilders.

And there you were thinking your European travel dilemma is due to IS-IS.

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