Saturday, February 4, 2017

A Camper for the Cadillac Man  1991 E250 Discoverer by Cobra in Canyon Lake, Texas

I know nothing whatsoever about the site or the vehicle but I do know the owner is asking seven grand for it and the vehicle is claimed to be in good working condition.  There are many pictures so this one gives a dandy example of what's possible for a small amount of jingle.

There are also campers in this style with pop tops rather than the fixed ceiling extension and a huge advantage from those is you can open them for excellent ventilation.  It looks like something of a hassle to get the pop top extended but it looks like it would be worth it since keeping it cool can be a concern.

It's a twenty-five year old vehicle with, I think, about eighty thousand miles on it.  With adequate maintenance it should be good for many more and Lotho knows best about what to expect when a vehicle gets to that vintage but he has a huge advantage in that he can fix most things when they break.

This one is just an example and isn't a recommendation except insofar as the price isn't likely to scare anyone away although potential maintenance problems might.  Even if the motor blows and the transmission falls out requiring total replacement, you will still likely be better off with something like this than getting something new.

I got to looking around because Cadillac Man does love to talk and campers live for that with every camp fire being an invitation.  At camp sites they love to stroll in the evening.  If you can't find conversation at a campgrounds, you probably won't find it anywhere.  They're a highly convivial bunch.  They eat some terrible food but it looked like gas burners in this camper so it gives all kinds of possibilities for getting as gourmet as your skills allow.


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