It appears the events started with trying to purchase some software by paying for it with PayPal. The balance was lower than I realized so it should have been declined by Bank of America but it didn't play that way.
It's not clear how it went since it didn't get paid but then it did on payday and I hadn't done anything. Meanwhile they spanked me for $35 a whack and they did it three times.
There's no point in calling the chaplain or going on an extended tirade as I'm screwed and so it goes but it's a surprise when I specifically don't want any credit on my account and I never write checks. However, through some nefarious twist, the account can acquire a minimal credit and then a bounce is possible, three of them, in fact.
It seems like the caution is don't use PayPal unless you're absolutely positive of your balance since assuming the general declination protection is there may not necessarily work and it's expensive to discover that.
I'm really not sure where the satanism sneaked into it but, wtf, it's filthy lucre; he can't be far.
All this seems more lackadaisical than it really is since I depend on no credit because if you don't got it then you can't spend it. This time it didn't quite play that way.
The reason for staying with Bank of America despite hating them is Social Security is wired into them for automatic deposits. Screw with any government system at your own peril so I leave it alone and once in a while it costs me.
There is an answer for all of this: some good smoke and a dog, a demon dog if no others are available.
Ed: you look like you're obliterated!
Yah, it does seem that way. This is back in the Snakepit and that's Barbie's Demon Dog. Many sneer at lapdogs but they're loyal li'l dogs.
It's not clear how it went since it didn't get paid but then it did on payday and I hadn't done anything. Meanwhile they spanked me for $35 a whack and they did it three times.
There's no point in calling the chaplain or going on an extended tirade as I'm screwed and so it goes but it's a surprise when I specifically don't want any credit on my account and I never write checks. However, through some nefarious twist, the account can acquire a minimal credit and then a bounce is possible, three of them, in fact.
It seems like the caution is don't use PayPal unless you're absolutely positive of your balance since assuming the general declination protection is there may not necessarily work and it's expensive to discover that.
I'm really not sure where the satanism sneaked into it but, wtf, it's filthy lucre; he can't be far.
All this seems more lackadaisical than it really is since I depend on no credit because if you don't got it then you can't spend it. This time it didn't quite play that way.
The reason for staying with Bank of America despite hating them is Social Security is wired into them for automatic deposits. Screw with any government system at your own peril so I leave it alone and once in a while it costs me.
There is an answer for all of this: some good smoke and a dog, a demon dog if no others are available.
Ed: you look like you're obliterated!
Yah, it does seem that way. This is back in the Snakepit and that's Barbie's Demon Dog. Many sneer at lapdogs but they're loyal li'l dogs.
This is one of those where the Mega bank is just following the rules they laid down. It should be illegal to process multiple overdraft fees on the transaction.
The tranaction is only supposed to be allowed to be presented twice,that may have changed since it is electronic transaction. Or were there several smaller transactions associated.
I left BofA because I had a rather large check to br paud but forgot to transfer money from one account to another, so it the account was slightly short. Instead on returning the large check, they paid it and denied multiple smaller transaction 10 or 11 so the fees were almost $400 instead of $35 which was fair since it was my error.
After I shott discussion, the branch manager overrode the charges because he did not want to lose my business not because hecagreed the practice was unfair.
After opening new accounts at a much smaller regional bank, I tansferred my business to a bank with facescand feelings not just a profit margin. The BofA branch manager still does not understand why I moved my business
Sucking it up to deal with getting Social Security to change to another bank does seem the best answer since this isn't the first time with problems from them. Yevette has a local bank she favors and which has treated her fairly so it looks like a good pick.
Cadillac Man and I talked about this since he has quite a bit of experience in business and he recommended calling them to at least sound them out since it's nothing to them to write off the charges and those Shylocks can even take a tax deduction for doing it. His thinking was most people just give up because you can't fight City Hall, blah, blah but he's right that it's worth a shot. My thinking had been exactly what he said that I don't need the agita so just walk away, walk away. I'll probably still walk away but call them first!
I doubt you call them. I agree with CM they would likely write off two of those charges
Fair enough as my temptation already was to walk away from it but a hundred smackers is a good incentive.
You're probably a bit too conservative as I'd put the odds at about 50/50.
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