Friday, March 11, 2016

Heading for a Bump with iTunes

The hugely-traumatizing, emotionally-devastating, vile pornography of the cartoon nipple will come to a test on iTunes as well.  It took a bit to finally locate this but here's the punchline with the proscription for iTunes images:

  • Contain pornographic themes nor websites that contain or link to pornography

  • So we will discover if Apple considers it pornographic.  There is an option for Explicit in iTunes but it's unknown if that may contain cartoon nipples or if they're heresy everywhere, the ubiquitous nipple terror.

Here's a link to the article with the image so you can see for yourself:  By Request, the Hugely Traumatizing, Immensely Obscene Facebook Prosecution.

That I consider such considerations infantile doesn't make any difference because they will make them nevertheless.  One of my videos on YouTube was rated adult because of cartoon nipples and it was kind of more outrageous because it was a tribe of human cat people and these felines had splendid forms, none of which they felt necessary to cover.

It looks like something will happen and we shall see.

(Ed:  you tryin' to be some sixties radical revolutionary?)

Um, Jerry Rubin, this ain't radical, it ain't revolutionary, it ain't anything ... it's just a fookin' cartoon nipple.  If there's any protest here, it's against stupid.

Well, sure, there's some protest, I suppose.  Are we supposed to make life so blandly banal just because kids might see it.  Kids are supposed to fucking see it, that's how they learn.

Even if I do get busted, I can still load the music at full resolution to the podcast.  That makes it even less attention span than Congress because as soon as the ISP dues run out, the server is dust.  (That won't happen until May, '17.  Lotho, there's a private I'll send on that of interest to you.)

(Ed:  you can't fix stupid!)

Nope, you can't fix it but there's nothing to stop you screwing with it (larfs).

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