Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Floyd Mayweather Visits Donald Trump ... and Laughs in his Face

So other than that, how y'all doin' today, huh?  Wanna talk about Mexican rapists next??

Donald Trump thinks he's stylin' but he has got a whole lot to learn and we don't think he has the capacity for it.  It doesn't appear Floyd Mayweather thinks so either.  Hat tip to Mayweather!

UPDATE:  nephew notified me Snopes says the story is crap.  He provided the link to confirm it and he's right.  Since many of you have seen this as it stands, I will leave it posted but with this update so you're aware of the hoax.


Anonymous said...

Mayweather is a wife beating prima,donna who cares what he thinks

Unknown said...

Was not aware of that. His point is still valid but that definitely takes some beef away from it.