Thursday, March 24, 2016

The Endless Tedium in the White Santa versus the White Savior

The Kelly / Trump wars are so laden in plastic self-righteousness as to be sufficient to supply a Saran Wrap factory for years.

Recently, the Cruz regime used a typically gutless technique (i.e. one of his Super PACs) to present a nude picture of Donald Trump's wife all over Utah.  Cruz consequently won Utah by a significant percentage, thereby proving only that Mormons love pornography.

Trump responded with typical bluster and said he will 'spill the beans' on Cruz' wife.  That's when the White Santa got into it and said, with her predictable eloquence, "Really?"

Um, yes, really, darlin'.  Check yer ego for just one wee moment and discover reality.  It does still exist despite Fox News.  This time Trump was right.  He's still an asshole but he's right nevertheless.

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