Monday, March 21, 2016

Robert Fripp Sighs While Bernie Sanders Flies

Music on the blog isn't exactly stroking your chordal cockles (no idea what that means) since anything of a political nature is usually the crowd-pleasin'est stuff whereas the music seems to get only to the level of, well, that's interesting (larfs).

Robert Fripp is the genius of geniuses for progressive rock all the way back to the start of it with King Crimson and unknown before that.  His work with the Orchestra of Crafty Guitarists is a different type of thing and extraordinary in a way unknown to prog rock.  (Blog:  Or How About an Orchestra of Crafty Guitarists - Robert Fripp (video))

Music has been falling short with people for quite some time, mostly because it's banal and vacant, but also because it has no idea where it's going.  In the last few days, some cretin who has collected five million dollars worth of punk memorabilia said he will burn it as a fortieth anniversary celebration of punk takes place.  He says only the ideas matter.

Take a deeper look at the cretin and find he has made multi-millions in business ... but he just did that for the challenge, the money doesn't mean anything.

I'm not believing you, cretin.  Burn the money if you love the ideas of punk so much.

As I say, direction is like a compass at the Pole, it has no idea where to go and just spins.

This is not an exhibition of any nihilism on my part as the mission has always been clear:  make some music which doesn't suck.  "Hey, Mister Ganja Man" is big in my head in part because it's a groovy groove and also because it has Dancing Marijuana Plants, some of you have seen them.

Note:  I really don't mean a spank as it was so funny when Doc said he couldn't come to the Cincinnati show, it's the dancing marijuana plants!  Dude, they're legal dancing marijuana plants, honest!  One of his crew was a teacher but I don't think they have a blood test for watching dancing marijuana plants.  That one just made me laugh and laugh because he was so serious.

There's a deeper twist as one of the Dancing Marijuana Plants is no longer with us and this is something for which I don't understand closure.  He was here and now he's not.  During the song he was here and I remember watching him while I played.  The moment was absurdly absurd and some of the regulars saw it ... but it was real so playing it again and it's real again.  It's part of why recording doesn't matter that much to me as I can play the video again but then I just watch and listen.

Sharing is important to me or I probably wouldn't record at all so more of that coming ... although it would be better to mix that with some political commentary if someone is to see it (larfs).

(Ed:  the ol' bait and switch?)

Sure, that's kind of Clinton-ish isn't it.

(Ed:  yep)

OK, scratch that plan.

(Ed:  do you always talk to yourself?)

Sure but this isn't Fox News where they pretend they don't.

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