Monday, March 14, 2016

Kanye West Goes to Glastonbury and Hitler Reacts (video)

Kanye West went to Glastonbury and did some mockery of a cover of "Bohemian Rhapsody."  People who actually love and care about music were not pleased.  One of them was YouTube Hitler and this guy is seriously thin with Donald Drumpf collecting a crew of brownshirts but one more time for Glastonbury, mates.

The petitions to keep Kanye West's dumb ass out of Glastonbury were not successful (sob) and, yep, he went ahead and made a fool of himself (again).

Lotho and I have been to many, many concerts and heard one hell of a lot of musicians, red ones (a few), white ones (a lot), black ones (a lot) and yellow ones (not so many but impressive).  That sounds like "Valley of the Dolls," the sexpot steamer by Jacqueline Susann, a pile of complete rubbish about addiction to psychiatrist drugs by Hollywood's hottest steam queens.  The observation about drugs was true but that was just an excuse to write a sexpot steamer about Hollywood bimbos.  There are many writers about whom America is proud but she isn't one of them.

After all those musicians, that leaves rating Kanye West at about the same level as Tiny Tim and he only scores as a parody.


Anonymous said...

I am so tired of West and entire K sisters family. None of them did anything worthwhile except for Bruces gold medal.

Unknown said...

Yah, it was kind of borderline to run it as Hitler is getting threadbare too. It was the cover which pushed it over as that was just one unholy abomination but it must have been hilarious at Glastonbury. You did what?? (larfs)