Monday, March 28, 2016

You're Wanting Some Dirty Politics

But there's not much fare when almost everything is the dirtiest political act we have ever seen.  Bernie Sanders has stayed immaculate but it's almost unremarkable when the others have been so bestial as to make him the blazingly obvious choice.

Birdie Sanders was a beautiful thing and The Atlantic made the observation about the rarity of the moment when a speaker has an opportunity for spontaneous wit of that nature in how he will respond to the bird.  Debates and whatnot don't count because that's all been considered and anticipated but the speech doesn't cover what to say when a sparrow lands on the podium.

That's the kind of moment kids mess up years later when they read the book and identify the election of Sanders as the climax but actually the climax was that bird and achieving the Presidency is the resolution of that moment with the bird.  That Sanders responded to the moment with such gentleness is a hugely telling thing.

There's no particular comedy in that but there's been so much implicit comedy (i.e. pratfall comedy) in the others maybe it's better this way.

Many of y'all likely agree Bernie Sanders is an exemplary human being, speaks the truth, and it would be cool if he lived next door to you ... but ... you don't believe he can deliver what he says or if he does then it will destroy the economy.

The purpose here isn't to sell you anything but, hey, if it does then so much the better but a larger part is my own clarity.

Bernie Sanders isn't writing Holy Gospel when he tells of his campaign plans.  Nothing happens, beyond Executive Orders, unless Congress makes it happen (i.e. write the law and send it to him for signature).  However, I don't believe he is making false promises but rather he is laying out design specifications and he has said multiple times he cannot do that himself.  I take that to mean he needs GOP support as well rather than the mind-numbing obstructionism of the last two administrations.

There won't be some tidal wave after Wizard Bernie waves his magic staff and suddenly one-payer medical is here.  It may turn into open combat with the GOP going to the trenches to say hell no.  They want to keep those corporations so stop the insidious plot.  Regardless of the play of it, nothing is going to happen after a blinding flash and a big puff of smoke.

At the root of all of it is there hasn't been a real leader since Reagan and, regardless of my opinion of his direction, he did set a course.  We have seen little except political opportunism ever since and that's been disappointing when some of them had the minds to do much more.  From Bush through Obama, except Bush II, the recorded IQ was 130 or better.

The way we see see the IQ shakeout, 130 is entering the big league, 140 is hittin' it, 150 is shooting huge sparks, and 160+ is an Official Big Dawg, One of the Immortals.

These people, except Bush II, were intelligent enough for the game but they treated it too much like a game and the Democrat Party principles were often lost as were GOP principles with "Read My Lips" Bush.  For Bush, he at least knew the principle but Democrats have behaved as if they don't exist.

It's going to freak you if Birdie Sanders really was a sign and the bird was right but it won't be bad freakage.  We want almost exactly the same things but we are suspicious of the methods the other endorses for achieving them.  Fair enough.  It's therefore incumbent on Sanders to make it more clear but there is plenty of time yet.

One thing we notice is Hillary Clinton has been conspicuously silent since Sanders whacked her in the West.  She's looking at a whole lot of bad news as this goes West and she's got to know it (sob).

Clinton wasn't AWOL, tho, as she pulled herself together enough to collect a ton of money at the $300K per plate?  couple? obscenity George Clooney staged.  Maybe it was $30K but it doesn't make any difference as this is no more representative of We, the People, than a parade of someone's Lamborghini collection.

Apart from that poodle dog show, nothing much has happened ... except that bird.

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