Sunday, March 27, 2016

Keith Olbermann Says He Comes Out of Retirement to Stop @realDonaldTrump

On that basis, Keith Olbermann should just stay home and suck up mint juleps while the sun shines.  The Kentucky Derby can't be too far off and that would be just as good, right?

Stopping Donald Trump isn't a matter of putting up sufficient roadblocks to prevent him from getting to the convention because his Wehrmacht will only start shooting and they have the guns to do it.

If Trump will be stopped and we believe he will be, the only effective way to do it is by providing positive and sincere support for that which you believe rather than endlessly proclaiming whatever you don't.

Conclusion:  he only means to make a buck on the Trump / Cruz mudfight the same way Caitlyn Jenner did it with Clinton to serve as just one more paid stooge.

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