Thursday, March 24, 2016

Silas Gets Hit By a Truck ... and Skates One More TIme!

Yevette shot a pic of me damaged corpus and this stuff is priceless.  I left this as your call but I couldn't resist because it's so twisted.

Relax, that duffer is not as woebegone as he seems.  Only just woke up, don'tcha know.

This should cover why I won't be playing for a few days (larfs).

The extra beauty part is the one on my back is also like this but that one is just a bandage so not much photogenicity.  The beauty part is it's on the back of the same shoulder which has been getting smacked by multiple surgeries ever since '91.  Dem bones just cain't cut a favor anywhere (larfs).

Note:  yes, I make up words all the time.

From that shoulder smack-up or, more accurately, the cojones as large as grapefruit, I know positively, tho, no matter how wrecked and savaged yer corpus may appear, it can probably recover from it if you treat it right.

(Ed:  like you treat it right!)

You would likely be surprised as hardly anyone saw the endless hours in the therapy chair in which robo-doc would move my arm through all sorts of bizarre exercises or any of that sort of stuff.  The ganja, women, and song never changed but there was a whole lot of quiet working in the background to make that happen.

If you're freaked then I'm kind of sorry for that but I've been smashed-up so many times this isn't even unusual to me!  (larfs)

There was a high possibility of joining Alazarin to play a set of mayhem at a sci-fi convention in Second Life but that has to happen before Friday.  That would have been an ultra groove but this is why it can't happen.

Cadillac Man, I've come up with some lame cops for missing phone calls and, da da, here's another one!

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