Thursday, March 3, 2016

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz - Nemesis of the Democratic Party

Incredibly, this is what a ton of money buys and she's the chairperson of the Democratic National Committee where she has been manipulating it at will.  This despite the fact she is a contract whore who is currently running with Republicans to oppose Elizabeth Warren on regulation of payday loan sharks.

She is not impartial and Hillary Clinton owns her down to her toenails.  Wasserman-Schultz has been making schedules advantageous to Clinton regardless of the consequence to Sanders but knowing full well it would be destructive.

She is the clear emblem of everything which is wrong with the Democratic Party (i.e. no real Democrats, particularly not Hillary Clinton who sold her soul to the GOP years ago).

Take one look at those slack eyes and tell me what real value she will ever add to anything.

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