Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Trump versus Sanders - Well, That's Unusual

Donald Trump holds a double-digit lead over Ben Carson and neither of them are Goldwater Republicans but rather are working some improv which makes little sense to anyone.  Carson is No. 2 but well behind Trump and the others are inconsequential.  (CNN:  Poll: Trump dominates in Nevada, South Carolina overall and on the issues)

Of course the others are inconsequential as they have worked assiduously to stay that way, focusing so much on Planned Parenthood and other such things which make sensational splashes but which accomplish nothing in the context of the large-scale problems of the day.

Ben Carson has no future as that guy gets crazier each time he opens his mouth and he will be talking about spaceships before too much longer.

It looks like that leaves Donald Trump as the last one standing from the GOP Klown Kar and one is one sorry situation for Goldwater Republicans.

The Democrats offer a traditional Democrat, regardless of how much many try to contrive him to be extreme, while the Republicans offer ... just what exactly.

Trump has no political ideas and his business ideas are less than radical.  Being a showman is all very well but that won't play in the White House.  All he can really throw in a debate at Bernie Sanders is dogma and Sanders is way too experienced to be significantly slowed by that and Trump will get shredded over his absurd proposal to build a wall.

Reagan sure loved walls, after all.  Donald Trump is wide open for that shot as if I'm Sanders then I'm asking Trump straight-up:  When Ronald Reagan worked so hard to tear down a wall, why are you working so hard to build another one?

Note:  Reagan didn't take down the Berlin Wall, Germans did.

From here it looks like the Grand Old Party is screwed ... with ten-penny nails.

Trump's blustering foreign policy is so amateurish it would only be a turkey shoot to take him down.  He won't get through this one on bluff.


Anonymous said...

Politicians dont need ideas just votes.

Unknown said...

That's the tragedy, ain't it. There's a valid article in tracing what happened to the GOP and it goes back to Nixon playing to the South and that, they say, played out to what we now see in the Tea Party with a crew of supremely self-righteous, unwavering, uneducated, pogo-stick-up-the-butt yokels. You could say many things about Goldwater but no-one would say he was uneducated.

Clinton panders as blatantly as Trump and hopefully both pay the price for it.