Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Set the Controls for the Heart of the Sun (video)

If you don't enjoy the obvious big ones from Pink Floyd (i.e. "Comfortably Numb," etc) then this may be difficult to approach.  Maybe you perceive it as tripped-out crap but what I hear is the kind of jamming which is more transporting than anything else you can do because it's specifically to bring anything you can, no matter how outlandish, and find how it fits.  These kinds of jams are usually with no-one around and it's not a matter of not knowing if anyone else will like it because you're not even sure you will.

With Ableton Live and the like, these types of audio samples are conveniently available but that wasn't true when Pink Floyd was doing it.  The inventiveness needed to play or even devise ways to make the sounds in this type of jam is vastly greater than, say, for some concert recital in which the approach is typically to memorize something and play it as perfectly as possible.  There is great risk in the recital from a mistake as there won't be any possible way to hide it.  However, this approach is the reverse in taking things which seem imperfect and finding perfection within them.

So you set the controls for the heart of the sun and get on with it.

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