Sunday, October 4, 2015

Obama Says Compare U.S. Gunner Deaths to U.S. Terrorist Deaths - OK, Let's Do That

Rachel Maddow took up the challenge proposed by Obama (MSNBC)

We're not playing to you all as the biggest worry for many of you is how you'll pay for the next sea cruise and you're not exactly quivering over terrorism.  We agree with your assessment and we also agree with the sea cruise as the food may croak you but the probability of being shot is low.

Bon voyage.

Until I die I doubt I will ever understand why anyone takes a sea cruise but I know a lot of people really dig 'em.

Of the gun deaths each year, over half of them are suicides.  Many people and most gunners do not know or do not accept that fact.  It should be self-evident since there are only two reasons for buying a gun, either to kill someone else or to kill yourself; they don't do anything else.

There's no offer to 'debate' anyone on the matter as the numbers are real and speak for themselves.

Here at the Rockhouse, we don't give a rat's patootie about assault rifles such as AR-15, etc as they hardly ever kill anyone.  We want the handguns.

We also want you to give them up voluntarily for the good of America as nothing else will work.

It will be necessary to keep the bloated, militarized cop forces during the process of turning in legal weapons because bad guys will still have them.

In company with the surrender of weapons is implementation of weapons controls in the same measure as other countries in the world, most particularly Australia which saw a substantial reduction in gun crimes and deaths after such laws were implemented.

With sales restrictions in place, it will take some while for the hardware to drain from the public supply held by bad guys.  It will never be possible to catch all of them but there's no other way you can get to the point when the supply of legal guns to be stolen to become illegal guns is almost limitless in America.  Change that and the problem will start to evolve positively rather than the way it has been going.

One step we would like to see is the NRA declared a terrorist organization and its defense of the numbers in the chart seems ample evidence.  This is not to declare its members terrorists but rather the board for which all of the seats are held by corporate interests.  There is little question those ones are terrorists as people kill for many reasons but those ones do it for money.

(Ed:  that makes them mercs not terrorists)

What's the difference?

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