Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cleansing the Tea Party Without Killing Anyone

The debate last night showed the radical differences in capability between the Democrats and what's left of the GOP.  Where the Democrats stayed almost entirely to point and purpose, the GOP has been all over the place and the candidates have been in wild disarray.  It's no exaggeration, you have seen it yourself.

Now people talk openly of how the Tea Party has murdered the Republican Party, not in terms of dominating it but rather by bringing it to a standstill.  It no longer moves in any direction but rather is stalled, doesn't remember its purpose, and is obsessed with trivia.  Note:  no-one spoke of abortion or Planned Parenthood last night because no-one is trying to put religion on something and pass it off as something else.

The only one to troll religion for points last night was Clinton in mentioning several times 'God-given rights' and that's the eye-roll / face-palm moment.  Did that suck ass really say that?  (groans everywhere)

Apparently the silly woman missed how the Tea Party used fake religion to destroy the Republican Party.  People are acutely observant for anyone else trying a stunt like that.

When the Tea Party has no act beyond stalling and / or breaking things, they move from being a political outfit to terrorists.  They don't bomb anything but they destroy it just the same.  You saw how Jason Chaffetz tried to terrorize Cecile Richard.  She didn't roll over for it as we doubt she rolls over for social-climbing guttersnipes anywhere but the fact he tried that in Congress is a disgrace.

The Republican Party is not the only political party which needs to excommunicate the Tea Party.  About all you've got left with them is ostracism, particularly in politics, because the only move after that is to shoot them.  The Tea Party torched at least four Planned Parenthood offices recently; they will definitely shoot you.

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