Thursday, October 8, 2015

About Smoking Reefer, Barking and Chasing Cars

Nobody smokes reefer and then starts barking and chasing cars.  There are various news articles about people doing ridiculous things and saying they were 'too high' but there's more to it than what they say.  Never in fifty years of continuous stonage have I ever heard of anyone blowin' the ganja and getting to bark like a dog or mad things in the nature of things we have been hearing lately.  Yesterday there was a claim some guy called up cops to say he is 'too high' and they found him surrounded by Doritos, gold fish snacks, and other junk.

We don't know if he was having a Dorito Sublimation but we don't care.

We know fookin' crazy when we see it.

This kind of bullshit reporting is another reason stoners get pissed with media.  They do their usual crapshoot news trying to paint something which isn't true by exaggerating something which has some bizarre truth.  That seriously frosts my goznitch because of my abiding commitment to keep blowin' the ganja.  For some reason, some jagoff is still trying to pitch the ganja will ruin my life.  I'm fookin' sixty-five, bitch, when will that happen.

The Crazy Did Not Come From Super Reefer

There's not much difference once you get to the Premium League of Reefer Smoking and the entry fee is $300 to $400+ for an ounce.  Even smoking constantly, as I do, an ounce should go a couple of months.

Update:  even if you are BUZZED constantly - I do not smoke constantly but rather not all that much, a few hits every so often will make an admirable buzz.

Premium League reefer doesn't differ so much in potency from one Premium strain to the other but they will vary in nuance due to the differing mixes of psychoactive material in each one.  Some may be more enervating while others may be more soporific.  That variance exists but it's not anywhere near as wide as the difference between blowin' ganja and eating LSD.  It's not a difference in strength but rather in experience.

Briefly, there isn't some 'super reefer' which is blowing kids away.  That's utter rubbish.  If there were some super reefer I would be smoking it.  I've been blowing grass in multiple countries on multiple continents and I'm telling you flat:  it does not exist.

(Ed:  the Divine Reefer from the Empress of Luna is not real?)

Sorry, Charlie.  Ain't happenin'.

Ganja Will Not Make You Become a Junkie

There's no gateway as ganja isn't a gateway to anything but more ganja.  It doesn't create a need for a bigger buzz or additional kinds of buzz ... it just wants more of that ganja buzz.  People try other drugs because they're breaking the law already by smoking ganja, what difference does it make.  The gateway is the crossover to illegality as anything goes after that.

Junkies don't care about dying or they wouldn't do heroin in the first place.  It's everyone's job to make sure kids are continually reminded of it as some of them just don't fucking get it.

More About Super Ganja

I've done my share of LSD and ganja as any mind-altering experience is valid if it will not croak me and it reveals something I might not otherwise have seen.  LSD and reefer qualify in this regard but the level of revelation is vastly different.

If someone has eaten LSD, it wouldn't surprise me to hear that person barking at a car; it would surprise me immensely if the person chased it.  Even when you're trippin', you know.   Others have claimed differently but typically that's an emotional reaction rather than a logical one.  Art Linkletter's daughter is the example quoted most frequently.  However, I've never seen suicidal behavior in people on LSD and I've seen a lot of trippin'.  It's sad his kid did that but sometimes kids do that and we're never really sure why.

Pulling a Willie Nelson on Someone

There is a possible freakshow situation with New School Reefer as there's no questioning its power, this is strong stuff.  I'm still apologetic for pulling a Willie Nelson on someone I love as the person had not smoked ganja since the days of Low-Rent Hippie Weed.  I must have smoked a bowl or two as this person had been a great fan of the ganja back in those times ... but I wasn't thinking.

Note:  there is no 'back in the day' as this went on for years.

Getting 'Willie Nelson-ed' is like when your boat starts linking when you're trippin'.  You start feeling paranoid, maybe feeling kind of fucked-up ... but experienced trippin' people go into auto-pilot because they know it's kind of scary and fucked-up just now but I can maintain, I can maintain.

I do apologize again for that mistake as it's not a good experience.  However, it's not one which, even if you're inexperienced, will end up causing you to surround yourself with Doritos and call the police.

Here at the Rockhouse, we're thinking if you smoke a bowl a think about it that this was one incredibly lonely kid and the only way he thought he could get any attention was to do something absurd of that nature.  That has little to do with ganja and a lot to do with alienation of a whole host of people due to obsessive online networking.

So, yah, I'll smoke a bowl and see what happens next.

God, I so wish I could find some Doritos.

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