Thursday, September 10, 2015

Vandengroef and Silas at Cat's Art MusikCircus Tonight

Holy shit, that sounds like we will juggle plates or do magic tricks or something.

Well, you know.  I haven't heard Vandengroef in weeks because he whacked his wing and a bird with a whacked wing is, well, wasted.  He may do magic tricks by now but I wouldn't count on juggling plates.  Nobody really understands why Chinese people like to balance plates on long bamboo sticks.  Sometimes we wonder how they got the idea to do that ... but it doesn't last very long.

1pm Second Life Time (i.e. 1pm Pacific / 3pm Texas / 9pm Amsterdam / 10pm Munich)

Vandengroef will almost certainly be getting into his own style of refractive groovulosity from a nebulous region of metaphysical flux out of which emanates sparkles, sounds, and, get this, the scents of an Arabian night, although hopefully some distance from the stables.  We love those Arabian horses and the proud way they hold their tails, we just don't want to sleep with them.

Vandengroef is nowhere near Arabia but, see, this is the magic of virtuality.

Vandengroef is the name of an actual band but Silas is like Madonna without the boobs or the talent.

2pm Second Life Time

However, Silas has determination and tonight is definitely the night for the Creflo Dollar song.  This is highly non-Silas so I'm sure Cat will approve.  What the hell is he doing?  What??

Note:  must find an animation for people snapping their fingers with the sound of fingers popping plus the words, "Dig it, man."  Imagine this with twenty or thirty people and we are approaching seriously funny.  Yes, this can be recorded.  It could be done artificially with a sample but that's Hollywood, that's not sexy.

"Swing Heil" needs another shot.  It needs the primary looper if it's really going to swing but it's turned into a wonky bitch.  That's ok as there is another looper which I use quite a bit so it goes either way.  It would be better with the primary but if it's going to be a bitch then it will sit out the dance.  Ha.

There was thought of shooting video but shows at the MusikCircus are during daylight hours for Yanks and are late evening hours for Euros.  That means no lasers so video is probably more hassle than it's worth.  Audio will recorded definitely, that happens every time.  Whether that ends up on the podcast depends on what gets recorded.

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