Thursday, September 10, 2015

Trading Candy Bars for Stamps and Cigarettes

So, I sez, "heya, kid.  How about I gives you this candy bar and you take this letter to California for me.  You'll do that, right?"

Then the kid sez, "Heya, fuck off."

And then I sez, "Hey, ya dumb fuck.  You could trade this candy bar for three stamps.  You use one to mail the letter and you trade the others for a few cigarettes.  See, you would be on your way to a swell life of crime.  But, no.  You have to be a wise guy, ya dumb fuck.  Fuhgedaboudit."

Then the GOP vitally informs me the pricing model of the United States Postal Service is outrageous and thus these socialist Commie bastards should be offloaded into the private sector where we'll teach a thing or two about doing business.  By God, we will.  Based on that vital information, we conclude the GOP is comprised of a bunch of tight-arse, skinflint bahstards.

Cameron already sold off the Royal Mail.

(Ed:  how is it still royal if it's now owned my some lower caste commoner?)

You tell me, matey.  It's a shame Vonnegut didn't live to see it.

Look at it from the Queen's point of view:  oh, the shame of it.  The Royal Mail in the hands of a filthy commoner.  Gad, the horror.  By the way, what's on the Royal television?

The GOP doesn't want the Federal government to maintain the Postal Service, Social Security. Medicare, Affordable Care, etc, etc.  It's much more effective to hone it down to the end view of the Federal government from the GOP (cough) dream in which it doesn't do anything except give speeches and bomb places once in a while.

Obviously highway management can be privatized, argue the Senators, as look at what a terrible job the government does of it ... which is hardly surprising given how much the same Senators have cut the budget to do that job.

Vonnegut really needed to see this.  In many ways, he already did.

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