Saturday, September 5, 2015

Texas Chili Which Does Not Suck

The first thought may well be it's impossible to make Texas chili which does not suck ... but ... there is one thing we know for sure about humanity.  No matter what kind of weird shit you may find on the ground, in the ground, under a rock, no matter what it may be, someone somewhere thinks it's delicious.

Perhaps you think of the last time you had Texas chili because it probably did suck ... but ... this is what it looks like Cincinnati style:

Note:  Cincinnati style does not include tomatoes but, God help me, creativity overcame me.

Wolf Brand Chili doesn't smell particularly good as it heats but mix it with all this stuff and it's surprising how much it does not suck.  We will get a report from a genuine Texan to discover if this Yankee style can work in Texas.

The genuine, authentic Texan verdict was delicious.  How about that.  It's a hit and it has all the vital ingredients:  it's weird, it's cheap, it tastes good.  Grand slam.

There's one tiny problem as I didn't think it through with the onion because that stuff takes some serious mastication but it can still be done, it requires a bit of finesse.

Note:  Cincinnatians like to think they're Yankees but they're as Midwest as Nebraska farmers.  That's one of the most charming things about Ohio and we don't think Yankees have too many farms with Mail Pouch Tobacco painted on the barns but they're all over Ohio.

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