Thursday, September 10, 2015

Palin, Trump, and Cruz in a Remake of Superman II

Donald Trump stars in the role of General Zod because ... Trump.  Sarah Palin plays the role of Ursa because she said that's got something to with bars, don't it.  Ted Cruz plays the role of Non because they didn't know what else to do with him.  (Alaska Dispatch News:  Palin joins Trump, Cruz at rally against proposed Iran deal)

Superman isn't going to show up for this one as Bernie Sanders is busy and why should he waste time on these self-aggrandizing clods anyway.  The drama in this one is watching to see how long the stage lasts since Palin insisted on non-union carpenters.  It was wobbling even without people on it so, frankly, we don't think it's going to go the distance.

The GOP has given up as they know they don't have a credible candidate and the only one who says anything which has even a glimmering of Presidential reality is Sanders.  They don't like what he is saying and they will never say they support him but they've got nothin' and Clinton is heading deeper into the ditch every day.

Biden is floating about and gaining a bit of buoyancy but this is largely a measure of Clinton's glowing charisma, or at least as much charisma as a turnip can produce.  Biden isn't much better as his charisma is still in the class of root vegetables.  Neither offers more vision than the average root vegetable will ever have.

Sanders is shooting sparks and he can match General Zod any time.  Ursa is a joke and even Huckabee made a fool out of Harvard man, Ted Cruz.

Superman had to work to get General Zod in the movie but Sanders won't have to break a sweat nailing Trump because the GOP doesn't want him either.  Where Superman II was a drama, the real-life version of it looks to be a comedy.

Sanders versus Trump in the final Presidential debate with Jon Stewart as moderator.

And you all keep telling me this is real.  Yup, sho' 'nuff, it's real.  Yep, it's real, alright.

Look!  Up in the sky!  It's a bird!  It's a plane!


Sanders flies just like Superman.

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