Thursday, September 3, 2015

On Ukraine and Crimea crisis, Gregor Gysi (video) @Yevetten

Maybe you have been thinking Ukraine isn't even a fashionable crisis anymore but that's because Biden's boy already got a job in Ukraine out of it and Obama apparently realized that listening to the Pentagon is one of the most moronic and suicidal ways imaginable to run the country.

Gregor Gysi gives an excellent summation of the events back to Gorbachev's invitation to form a European security union because the fundamental premise is no European peace means anything unless Russia is included in it.  While Gysi doesn't mention Reagan specifically, he was at the wheel when that offer from Gorbachev was quashed and you see the consequence today as that kind of mindless gamesmanship continues out of the CIA and the Pentagon.

Given the cleverness with the way the U.S. has played this, there is an extension beyond that which was presented by Gysi as full European continental security comes not only with inclusion of Russia but also China.  With those states in any kind of a union with the EU, the United States serves little to no purpose except for providing bad television and even worse news commentary.

The U.S. has two choices:  join the world instead of trying to dominate it or face inevitably being orphaned by the rest of the world which is fed-up with the endless invasions.

Biden played the Ukraine situation to get his kid a job in the Ukraine gashouse and now has the unmitigated gall to run for President.  From that we assume he has more kids and needs to plant them into phony patronage jobs overseas as well.

Note:  no disrespect to the Biden boy who croaked.  Life sucks random shit like that sometimes.

This analysis from Gysi is the most succinct and dead accurate summation of what has been happening and why.  This has been driving Yevette as it frustrates her endlessly that almost nothing the U.S. has been saying about Ukraine is true and yet Americans believe it even while anyone else on the planet knows it's hogwash.  Yevette, here's one for you and it's direct from Cat.

While Gysi is speaking to the Bundestag (i.e. Congress but their one has no Republicans and it works), Merkel is still Chancellor and she's shown some talent for dealing with Putin but she's not so many steps above the bestial relationship the U.S. entertains.

Gysi is dead accurate.  The only peace comes when U.S. gets NATO out as the deliberate provocation of Putin gains nothing whatever for Europe.  In fact, very few in the U.S. get anything out of it either as the only purpose in such brinksmanship is to sustain military budgets so the military forces have expensive equipment to continue accomplishing nothing.

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