Saturday, September 12, 2015

Meet the Beatles - Request Series

So I sez to the Mystery Lady, wowee zowee, Suzee Creamcheese

and so she sez what's got into you

and then I sez The Beatles got into me.  I never saw them and you never saw them and here they are tonight in 1990 at Cincinnati Gardens.

She she sez they're fake Beatles and I sez she is right.

Take note, mens, as womens is always right even if they are not right.  This is important.

She is right they are fake Beatles but I sez, fuhgedaboudit, we blow a joint, suspend some disbelief, and, presto, there's the Fab Four.

So she sez ok but we have no tickets and the show starts in about an hour.

I sez, hey, we can make it.  Let's ride.

Note:  this is the same Harley on which I later met my splatterdom but that's a whole 'nother story.

So, young Millennials, explain this part and every word of it is true.

We arrived just before the show was to start and the last people were going inside to take their seats.  We figured it looked hopeless but we were in this deep so let's go to the Ticket Office and see what luck.

Note:  this part needs a drum roll ... with toms

Not only did they have tickets to this packed show but they were front row center.  Because it was late an usher took us down and there we were square in front of John, Paul, George and Ringo.

Tribute is crap as it's a band trying to make money being credible ... and they were.  They gave an uncannily good representation of The Beatles and suspension of disbelief was not at all difficult.  It was a grand show as Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet The Beatles.

Tip:  if you want to impress your date, this will work.

As to how this can possibly happen when the show is apparently sold-out.  Well, you'll just have to ask the Axis on that one.

I, Silas Theology Sasquatch, swear, with my left hand holding a pipe with a small but potent amount of killer reefer, this telling is for true.

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