Wednesday, September 2, 2015

"Let Me Go" - Avril Lavigne feat. Chad Kroeger (video)

There is a measure of irony to the song.

Twitter is aflutter or Twutter is aflitter with the news Lavigne and Kroeger are ending their marriage.  As to who let whom go, the interested student is invited to flutter and flitter as he or she will.  Frankly, we don't care.

Why we listen is it's high-production, non-hip hop, pop and they did a peach of a job of it, not so much on the marriage apparently.  Their break-up doesn't amuse me but the irony of it is a two-headed dragon to get enough teeth to bite and make enough flame.  Unbelievable.

People love to hammer Kroeger but he's got a gift for song-writing.  Regardless of whether you like the style, he's incredibly good at it.  My assumption is Lavigne wrote this one as it specifically says Kroeger is featured rather than principal.  That being true, my respect is the same as the crafting of the song is excellent.  It has all the precision Hollywood can give it so I'm not surprised ninety million people have seen it before I did.

No matter where you are, irony is inescapable.

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