Saturday, September 12, 2015

"Gunboy" - The Almost Men's Magazine for Gloriously Glamorous Gunners

the Men's Magazine 
featuring Gloriously Glamorous Gunners

Female gunners know how to get something hard in their hands.  They know it's the only way they ever will ... but, as with many things, they don't hold it right.

Women gunners know it's important to wear shoes with your gun even if you don't wear anything else.

The picture teaches us women sometimes like to hunt inside tents.  Remember this.  Education is part of our mission.

This smokin' hot gunner wears a wedding ring and many female gunners wear one to show their love, devotion, and allegiance to Winchester, the One True God of the West and all Creation.

"Gunboy" the almost Men's Magazine featuring Gloriously Glamorous Gunners will make its debut on December 25, the Anniversary of the Birth of our Lord, the Winchester Carbine.

Ed:  that's fake as the only thing Clayton Moore did with a Winchester was defend TV ratings, just like modern gunners.  The only one who would want a Winchester like that is Liberace and he would only want it for role-playing gay sex games.

Say there, Tonto, before you start any more heckling, keep in mind the weapon is loaded.

(Ed:  uh, Gunboy, keep in mind they started the (cough) professional Army because they realized too many liberals were getting weapons training in Basic.  Yes, we were some of those liberals.  Do you know the next sound you will hear?)

What's that, Pinko Bitch?

(Ed:  there won't be one.  You never hear the round which hits you.)

Big talk, Penis Nose, just remember where they found Jimmy Hoffa.

(Ed:  they never found Jimmy Hoffa)

Maybe you're hearing what I'm saying to you now, Stalin Symp.

Featured Articles

The Gunboy Foldout

Here you will find the sexiest transgender gunner of the month

We really don't know what she is doing except we know it has nothing to do with defending herself unless she really likes getting shot in the ass.  She seems to be married but the ring looks like a cheap-ass unfinished piece of sheet metal.  If she's married it's to another unemployed gunner.

(Ed:  if you only Photoshop cops to make them sexy, you're too late.  Fox News has been doing it for years.)

Like I told you, Putin Punk, the weapon is loaded.

The Cop Who Saved a Kid from Being Eaten By a Dog While He Was Drowning Due to Inattentive Liberal Parents

This is our most difficult feature to write as we go out to search for cops who had enough spine to maintain their humanity despite police training and, ideally, we find a cop who has defeated the police training altogether and actually still behaves like a human.  We do this for you because we love you and we know you love to kill things as much as we.  But we are not fags.  No way are we fags.  We love you but not in a fag way.  No fags.  By God, no fags here.

The Best Response from Gunners After a Mass Killing

An article on how to explain to the Communists (i.e. liberals) who don't understand psychos would kill twenty people with chicken beaks if they did not have access to assault rifles and automatic weapons.

How to Prove You Have Nothing to Do With the Idiots in the Oathkeepers

Loyal patriots have nothing to fear as the Oathkeeper's greatest victory so far was a self-inflicted wound.  Most people classify them with certain types of dogs as they will come if you whistle for them and can be trained to follow simple commands.  The only speech they have learned is to say repeatedly, "I am not a vigilante."

Groot hates vigilantes and thinks they are idiots with small (cough) trunks.

More Ways to Prove Liberals are Latte-sucking Grass-eaters

You know how it goes with liberals:  you don't like 'em but it's illegal (unless you're in a Southern state) to shoot them.  We can help.

The Difference Between Socialism and Communism

Sure, we know no-one will read it and no-one cares what the words mean.  We didn't want to run it but those Commie pinko socialists in Washington made us do it or they said they would put is in a Federal penitentiary with faggot liberals.

The Gunboy Comedy Segment

Note:  we haven't much to say about Sergeant Major Major's class but we can't fault his taste.

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