Sunday, September 6, 2015

Dream Big, Don't Stop - for Anne

My sister said something which particularly struck me and it's not to repeat but rather to emphasize if there's any story here then it's had two drivers from the start:

Dream big, it just might happen

Even if it doesn't happen, don't stop

Life in general has achieved an extraordinary level of physical misery and that story isn't worth telling, sucks for me, sucks for a lot of people.  Music is still the dream but it's always the salvation as nothing else matters when the music starts.

The farther everything else is left behind, the more pure the music becomes because your mind won't permit bothersome things and they drop away.  This is because it's the one inside you who plays, not the one on the surface who is so easily distracted by every damn thing.  The more you can ignore what appears to be real, the more you can see what really is.  Call that inside-out Zen crap but try it for size and tell me again.

Determination is discipline and that rolls just the same into stubbornness but it doesn't matter any kind of way what you call it so long as you keep doing it.  If I keep practicing, I might actually get to be as good as I have always hoped to be ... even though I know that's impossible because I change the definition every time I do get better.  That's not fatalism but fascination, a supremely intricate type of hypnotism.

Some mix up narcissism with this but that's for the stage.  While you play in the studio, you have no idea if anyone loves you and you're not even that sure about yourself.  Writers know this better than anyone as they never have a stage.  Poets sometimes can take a stage but only the best can really handle it.  All of the rest of the time, it's really not you but what you're receiving from the spirits, what channels through soul, your corpus, whatever you want to call it, from wherever you want to call it ... until it becomes music which you made.  You did that.  Well, now.

And don't forget Billy Pilgrim as he was 'unstuck in time' and was never really sure when he was from one moment to the next.  Look over things and you may see this as well.  You will almost certainly see it in music as the sound is now but you are ahead and behind, all at once.

Maybe you think this is kozmik krapola but watch sometime when someone has been trained to read sheet music.  Now sit this person down in front of a keyboard without a chart and ask the person to play something.  Almost every single time, that person will ask what you want to hear.  If you suggest making up something, they will go blank.  Such people are not stupid but rather they have been trained and it's not always such a good thing.

But, more than anything else, don't fuckin' stop.  I still hold the dream of one more show at the Twentieth Century and no Ed Sullivan Silas this time trying to please / amuse / entertain but rather doing what I really do as in this "Justin Bieber Cried" song.  It's bleeding raw but it's dead accurate to point.

Just don't fuckin' stop!

Absurd as you may find it, this all comes back to a single line from "Flashdance:"  give up your dream, you die.

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