Saturday, September 19, 2015

Can't Top Ben Carson for Full-Boat Looney

The quote is claimed from an interview with Mark Levin.  That was as far as I got in validating it and the statement is so insanely stupid it's immediately suspect.  One more look for a link.  DailyKOS is the primary.

There are loads of interviews by Mark Levin and he has a defense for Pamela Geller so he's not a particularly useful resource but two crackpots in the same room could easily come up with something such as the quote claimed in the meme.

The first place I saw this was from a friend with high credibility.  It's conceivable in one of multiple interviews between the Levin and Carson he said this but that would mean listening to his rambling through all of them.  He's dynamic like a Hostess cupcake.

Maybe there was a Speak 'n Spell toy of some sort at one time.  You push a button and it says some fixed thing.  That was magic at the time.  Now it's Ben Carson ... only much slower.  Everything I heard was straight out of the book, another political flounder.

How did people become so bereft of imagination that the party line was acceptable.  Something completely shattered their dreams.  Only through obedience is there safety.

So many illusions.

We also heard he barks and chases cars.


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