Saturday, July 11, 2015

When Political Correctness Gets Even More Ludicrous (Yes, It's Possible)

Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina is a Republican but her moves to eliminate the Confederate flag from anything related to the state set her above the typically dogmatic nags which plague the party.  She's basking in it now and well she might.  It was a smart move and it set her apart from the men who stare at goats.

The ludicrous part was in her description of her upbringing.  Because of her ethnicity, she did not 'qualify' to be a black or a white Prom Queen.  That gave me my first bit of news:  instead of actually being humans, we go with a black one and a white one.

That wasn't the real South Carolina peach, tho.  The current political correctness is to refer to American Indians as native Americans, anyone of African descent is an Afro American, and so on.  This is where CNN went full circle on it as it referred to Nikki Haley as an Indian American and from this I conclude many journos aren't even reading the words before they write them.  (CNN:  Nikki Haley seizes the political moment amidst Confederate flag debate)

After twenty or thirty years of teeth-gnashing and wailing about political correctness, the term American Indian has now reversed to Indian American and the sense of accomplishment, believe you me, will have me swelled with pride for this whole apple pie and America day.  Yessirree.

Political correctness is complete crap.  The Washington Redskins have defenders from coast to coast but it would not be any more offensive if they were called the Jacksonville Jigaboos and I absolutely ga-ron-tee you would get a massively different reaction if that were the case.

It's not surprising that Washington, of anywhere in the U.S., does not have the imagination to come up with a better symbol for their team than the false characterization of an entire race of people and the hundreds of cultures within it.

Getting rid of the Confederate flag from state property won't do one damn thing about racism.  That's no more than correcting grammar on a term paper.  It's real when the owner of the Redskins stands up willingly and says, "Yah, that was fucked-up and I want to do better by people and the team so here's my new name.  We'll be the Washington Terminators."

What's more football than a bunch of Terminators, right?

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