Thursday, July 30, 2015

Cincinnati Makes the List for Black Lives Don't Matter

Samuel DuBose is a black man who was murdered by a cop in Cincinnati some days ago.  The cop has already been indicted for it but, as we've seen, cops get indicted all the time and they frequently waltz away without so much as a fine.

No need to run the video as you can find it anywhere and it's yet another story of a cop shooting an unarmed man without provocation.

What the story doesn't emphasize is the shooting was by a campus cop.  These ones are the worst of the worst as they always have bad attitudes because they couldn't cut it getting into a primary police force.

Samuel DuBose was shot on Rice Street and I lived there a few years ago.  This place is nowhere near the campus so what was a campus cop doing down there anyway and why is he hassling some guy over a license plate.  This had nothing to do with University business, it was not on University property, and the man was not a student.

I've seen it in Cincinnati when the National Guard comes out.  That's what happened after Martin Luther King was shot.  It's a strange thing to see Jeeps running the streets and the vehicles have .50-cal machine guns mounted on them.  They can get that stuff on the street at incredible speed and there's vastly more military hardware available to them now.

Some think there's an active conspiracy to force a race war in the country but my view is it's nothing more than incompetence.  Second-rate campus cops create yet another echelon of cops in a country which has too many cops already and, what do you know, more dead people.

They have a specific 'shoot to kill' policy because cop management believes it's safer for cops.  I'm sure it is safer for cops.  Too bad it isn't safer for anyone else.

The above is not to deny rampaging racism in cops as there's been abundant proof of that.  However, some go beyond that to suggest it's all deliberate toward provoking a race war.  I can't buy it on any Charlie Manson Phenomenon in-play, tho.  Could make for one whacked Sam Peckinpah movie but I don't see it playing for real.

No-one wants a race war.  It looks dramatic on CNN but the idea of it is just one more thing to keep people afraid of each other.  We're all terrorists, racists, pedophiles, or generic loonies who talk to rabbits.

The one guy asked why can't we all just get along ... but most of the time we do all just get along.  The balance of things is completely screwed but that's a different article.

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