Monday, July 27, 2015

Dear Prudence, My Straight Pride Rally Needs Viagra or Something

Dear Prudence,

My name is Danny Rebello and I worked very hard to set up a Straight Pride Rally in Seattle, putting all of my heterosexual energy into it.  I thought it would be a good opportunity to meet chicks plus show faggits they are crawling instruments of the devil.

The trouble is no-one showed.

(PinkNews:  Man organises ‘straight pride’ parade, blames gays when no-one turns up)

Prudence, my campaign would have worked and I would have met some chicks but gay people screwed it up for me.

What can I do?

Signed - Danny, the Sleepless Virgin in Seattle

Danny, in your case, we will have to give advice we have never given to anyone else:  join the Foreign Legion.  Maybe you can get something going with a camel.  Good luck.

Here's another Danny Rebello in Massachusetts and he doesn't seem to have much luck with girls either.

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