Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Walter Palmer Kills Cecil the Lion in the Most Painful Way Possible

It's bad enough when these selfish, self-absorbed trophy hunters go to Africa to find beautiful animals and kill them.  It's substantially worse when the hunter is too incompetent to kill the animal and instead wounds it with an arrow such that it takes at least twenty more hours for Cecil the Lion to die.  Cecil's blood was tracked and then he was finally shot.  That's when Palmer claimed his prize and cut off Cecil's head.

Here's the head which should have been removed:

Walter Palmer - Masquerading as a human

There are enough aspects of savage, selfish brutality in this to amuse even the Dallas Safari Club (i.e. the ones who raffled murdering a black rhino).

Cecil the Lion has been on protected land for thirteen years or more but he was lured off that land specifically so Walter Palmer could kill him.  Cecil has a black mane and Palmer thought that would look cool on the wall of his house.  Palmer paid $50,000 for a local hunter to set up the kill.  Now Cecil is dead and his head is on Palmer's wall.  Palmer, not surprisingly, says he didn't know anything about it.  (CNN:  American dentist says he regrets role in death of Cecil the lion)

Palmer says now 'he regrets his role' but what did this moron think would happen.  The lion should get back up again and go off to play happily with Perry the Squirrel and all the other Disney creatures.

The killing of Cecil is not the first time he has used the excuse 'I did not know it was illegal.'  He did the same thing after the killing of a black bear when he lied to a federal agent about it.  (Fox KMSP:  A look into the past of Minnesota dentist Walter Palmer, killer of Cecil the Lion)

He was fined $3,000 and served probation but it didn't change his behavior.  He was also charged with sexual harassment and presumably he didn't know that was illegal either.  He paid that one off for $127,000.

Walter Palmer can be found in Eden Prairie, Minnesota, and I'm sure he would be overjoyed to hear your views regarding his killing of Cecil the Lion.

River Bluff Dental
10851 Rhode Island Ave S
Bloomington, MN 55438

(952) 884-5361

Here at the Rockhouse, we have a simple solution:  if any house has an animal head hanging in it then torch the house.

Secondary solution:  make a pheromone to put on hunters which makes it easier for lions to find them.  It's too easy for those wimps to sneak up on lions otherwise.  With the rifles and scopes these gutless hunters use, the lion doesn't even have to be in the same country.


Doesn't look too good for his dental practice, the web site for which has already been taken offline.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Walter Palmer est un gros batard !!!! Enculé !