Tuesday, July 28, 2015

The Predictability of Americans

That the Iran deal is being shot down is no surprise and there's nothing which comes after it that will be surprising either.  That gives a predictability for decades with the general result of no improvement in anything just as it has been stopped for so long already.

The most powerful country in the world is held back by the least imaginative people within it.  There was a time when it was amusing in Vonnegut's satire but that always had the implicit assumption it was an extreme and reality would one day get sorted.

So much for assumptions.

If this is the best mankind is capable of doing, it's less than impressive and the Earth is well-deserving of a comet strike any time now.

They have been doing this for a thousand years and this should be sufficient evidence they won't stop until everyone is dead.  Why wait and why would you want to be in the company of such evil anyway.

Let's see ... good things about Christians:

- they kill fewer people than mosquitos

- they can amuse lions although usually not for long

- they lower the number of hookers in the world.  Usually it's by dismembering them but the effect is the same.

- they don't burn as many people as they once did

So what good things are there about Muslims:

- they're excellent at breeding horses

- they reproduce quickly and make good scapegoats

And some good things about Jews:

- they seriously believe they will get to keep Israel after all this is over (Boobie, it's just real estate.  Get over it.  Think how good it will look with a TRUMP logo over the Temple Mount luxury hotel.)

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