Friday, July 31, 2015

On the Dangers of Shooting Armadillos

Armadillos are natural carriers of leprosy and some say that's not a problem these days but I don't know if it's not a problem before or after parts start falling off me.  This seems a good enough reason to stay well clear of armadillos.

But nooooo ... not in Texas

Texas man shot after bullet ricochets off armadillo

My first thought on shooting an armadillo is what the hell would I do with a dead armadillo.  It seems this guy had a reason and the bullet ricocheted back to hit him in the head.  He was talking after the incident so his head is not apparently used very much.

There was an even better stunt when a Georgia man wounds mother-in-law after bullet ricochets off armadillo.  There may be a worse pick for someone to hit with a bullet you bounced off an armadillo. We can't think of one but still one may exist.

So then I have to know.  What does one do with a dead armadillo.  Are these trophy armadillos.  Is there a reason.  There's only one thing to do.  Google for recipes.

What do you know:  Armadillo Fricassee at

In English that means stew and it only needs one armadillo.  It doesn't say whether the armadillo should be a big one or a little one.

Now you know.  After the Armageddon, you can, in fact, survive by eating armadillos.

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