Monday, July 13, 2015

What's Better than Milla Jovovich, Whales with Rainbows, and KKK on a Ferris Wheel

The answer, sadly, is nothing is better as days like yesterday won't come every day or life would be so cool that no-one would ever waste time reading blogs because we would all be out there soaking up all that coolness and maybe (gasp) making some coolness of our own.

In case you missed any of that, here are the Greatest Hits for the last day:


From the first one I conclude you really, really like Milla Jovovich and of course you do, she's a stunning talent.

And so it goes from there and the number of hits may look jacked but they are not altered and they surprise me as well.  I seem to have become a magazine but that's ok as I enjoy the odd things I find.  It seems you do as well so it looks like we have a deal.

There will be news on the Digitech Vocalist but that will come in the form of video as seeing Silas doing Barry White isn't something which can possibly work in prose.  That may happen today but I have to take a bath first ... but I'm not sure if it's the right day (week? month?) for that.

This gadget could even make Yevette sound like Barry White so the plan for the video is to sit down and play with it.  Maybe Reverend Silas T Sasquatch will get soulful.  There's no telling what might happen.

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