Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Questions Needing to Be Answered - Updated w/More Answers

Did Frank Zappa ever watch "Gilligan's Island"

A1:  Hell yes
A2:  Of course

Does Angela Merkel ever get laid

A1:  No
A2:  If Kissinger can get laid because "power is an aphrodisiac," Merkel can, too.

Why hasn't anyone chucked Donald Trump into a jet motor

A1:  His hair would screw up the blades in the turbine
A2:  Every intelligent person has motive, but very, very few have opportunity.

Who got the idea clams are something humans should eat

**:  No answer as yet.  It remains one of the world's great unsolved mysteries.

Is it a state problem if marijuana-eating rabbits start eating a legal crop in Colorado

A1:  Only for Kansas
A2:  No, it's the growers' problem to deal with, and they'd best do it humanely, if they know what's good for them.

Why do women read the bullshit that's in tabloid newspapers

A1:  They think it's educational
A2:  Because they're the ones who usually do the grocery shopping, so they see the display at checkout.

Does Jeremy Kyle have human parents

A1:  Who the hell is Jeremy Kyle (i.e. request for clarification)

TV wanker with a humiliation show

A2:  Never heard of the wanker 'til just now.

Am I the only one who thinks it's fucked-up to pick on Rachel Dolezal

A1:  Yes

Why do people get paid so much to play golf

A1:  Because no-one else wants to do it
A2:  People bet on sports, including golf.

Why does it make people sneeze when they look at the sun

A1:  It's the body's self-defense mechanism.  Eyes close when sneezing, therefore it keeps idiots from going blind from staring at the sun.

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