Friday, July 24, 2015

Rewriting the Republican Dictionary

Talking with Republicans is like asking a goldfish about the weather, it has no idea.  As a general class, Republicans have a slightly larger vocabulary than Groot and it expresses this way:

Republicans are good.
Liberals are bad.
Money is good regardless of how you get it.

After the third line, they run out of material and start over again at the top.  If you're going to visit with Republicans, take a lot of alcohol or don't go.

It's like a Taylor Swift song without the mechano drum track as there's nothing left except an insipid voice which keeps saying the same things.

Note:  Groot appeared in "Guardians of the Galaxy" but, if Republicans will try to save the Galaxy, even Groot won't be able to help.  After all, look at what they have done to save the Earth (i.e. nothing).

If you think of the Galaxy as an Alaskan oil field, you should have some idea what will be left of it after Republicans get hold of it.

Republicans fail to understand a society is of no more consequence than its art as usually that's the only thing which will be left after you're gone.  We don't understand why Egyptians thought pyramids were arty but these are the same people who today routinely practice clitorectomy on little girls so we don't have a problem with using Egypt for nuclear field testing.

Note:  clitorectomy is not a direct consequence of Islam but rather it reflects subjugation of women in Africa which came from tribal times.  However, Islam did not let this medieval practice go and Egypt, despite its appearance of modernity, is one of the most biologically brutal countries on the planet.  In short, this does not mean clitorectomy is practiced wherever Islam manifests itself as that is not true but it is not rejected where it is currently practiced and this results in three million or more clitorectomies per year.

For brutality toward women, even Republicans can't match the Muslims of Africa.

Art in America now is Taylor Swift doing milquetoast covers of Paula Abdul songs or Robert Downey Jr making yet another Marvel comic into a movie.  Welcome to the GOP.

Note:  America has made some exceptional art but whether any of that will be remembered under the deluge of mediocrity now is questionable.

(Ed:  you write as if America is already gone)

You think it's not?  Take another look at Donald Trump  (laughs).

Here at the Rockhouse, we are regarding Donald Trump as the finest example yet of an IED (Improvised Explosive Device) and this is why much of his support comes from Democrats who send him money because it's funny to see him think the support is serious.  The plan was he would get to the GOP convention and then explode in twenty megatons of Trumpian arrogance but it's going even better than that as he doesn't even believe he needs the Republicans anymore and has said he will start the Trump Party instead.

So, keep sending those campaign dollars to Donald Trump.  There is nothing more effective you can do to irritate the ones who call themselves 'real' Republicans (i.e. the ones who call themselves financial conservatives as if this absolves them from all the horrors the party commits).

And even if Trump wins, it could still be worse.  It could have been Santorum.  He would be the first President who needed a babysitter for late nights.

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