Monday, June 23, 2014

Painting in the Clouds - Gallery Opening

So many have their eyes fixed firmly on their ground that they never see the clouds anymore but Paula Cloudpainter goes right up inside them.  In a world where everyone else follows Angela Merkel's lead, Paula flies right over all of it.  (The reference to Angela Merkel is due to lefty Unplugged's song in which she is always looking at the ground.  If you want to hear the rest of it, come to his show tonight at the MusikCircus!)

Paula Cloudpainter's gallery opening was on Sunday and Deceptions Digital was making the music.  Paula likes to play with reality in physical media by making paintings with highly passionate brush strokes and yet with rigid square looking glasses to see inside it.  The result is your eye is jerked back and forth between the overall image and the forced views created by the arbitrary structures as you try to resolve what is real.  All of it is real and this was the show of it.  DD's music was bending reality every way she could as well so DD's music and Paula's art complemented each other well.

There are no examples of Paula Cloudpainter's work here on the blog beyond what you see above.  It's deliberate that the only picture in it is off-angle and that's so the digital image can't be stolen.  If Paula says it's ok then I'll run a series another time to show you but I definitely won't do it without permission.

The turnout for the opening was quite good as Paris Obscur was there and so was Voodoo Shilton.  What's more, they stayed a good long while.  I'm sure it's not a coincidence that all of the musicians who visited are ones who specialize in original work.

Side-note:  big congratulations to Paris on his brand-new baby son.  So far I think his working title is mini Obscur but I think this may not be permanent.  More news on that as it comes.

Congratulations to Paula on a successful opening.  It wouldn't do to ask but hopefully there were many sales and she's encouraged all the more to go forward.  She will be doing another showing at some point in the future with her Music series but I don't know how soon that might be coming.  Ask her yourself as she often comes to the MusikCircus and you can talk to her there.

Deceptions Digital was all-out trips last night.  Her songs often have a techno industrial feel to them with a very strong four-beat and some hard-pumping music but there was a much more ethereal quality to her songs last night.  This lent itself very well to the overall vibe as in looking at a painting you probably want to contemplate it for a while so music that pushes you will probably conflict you.  Instead DD was using some quite soft voices at times and she even used samples of Paris Obscur's voice!  That's her tribute song and that was extraordinary too.

Congratulations to DD on music that was well-chosen and well-played for the event.

(When I say 'well-played,' some may contest it as DD's music is recorded.  It's not live, they say.  If you're using back tracks, how about elaborating on what 'live' means then, huh.  Don't you worry about me getting defensive for DD as I'm not.  My purpose is only to explain what she does as she is in a constant state of creation and her shows are almost like checkpoints in which she shows her latest and then immediately goes back to make more.  Her music is very much live but not in the sense that one typically envisions liveness.)

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