Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Now What asked the Great God Mescalito

Mostly people don't know what to do with it as they want to be encouraging and it's realistic but also they wonder, fark, is he a deader or what.  I don't know but I'm not worried either way.  If you really feel the Zen, this moment is the only one that matters so you can use it or throw it away.  Death is only one moment and I will not sacrifice any others in its favor.

So I asked the Great God Mescalito what does one do when one is really, seriously fucked and he said one talks about something else.

Rather than talking about Joe's Pancreas, there are various things important just now and part of the interest for any observer, I suspect, is whether the relative importance of things changed.  In many ways that already happened as poverty will create an enormous awareness that others only get hearsay or see on the news.  I'm curious also as to whether any perspectives will change now.  I suspect they will not.

There was a request to keep a diary and I do that anyway with the blog but I've backed off quite a bit on the day to day of life in favor of covering the music.  It's been very important to my own music to cover the music of others even if only that it gets me to listen to something other than always what I play myself.

There is some thought to doing a video series but that's an awful lot of precious, in my view.  Hey, y'all, wanna watch me get really sick.  When I did the Death March Digression, it was supposed to be ironic and definitely not literal.  So I don't have a good answer on how much coverage this really needs yet.

There's only one bit of my music online in any place halfway reputable and that's "Symphony for Cat No. 2" on SoundCloud.  That invites some thinking of uploading more but that feels like building a graveyard.  My thinking on music Zen remains the same in that music is supposed to disappear.  It's the nature of music.

Voodoo Shilton does something similar in that you can get a recording of his show ... but only if you are attending the show.  In part it's kind of a goodie for people in the audience but it's more than that as you have to know the 'liveness' of what that music means or you can't have it.

The fear, if that's really the sensation, isn't that someone I don't know would hear the music in some time long past this one but rather that someone would not, that these song files and videos would spin forever ... doing absolutely nothing.  In this age of data retention and disk capability, it will take an Ice Age before anything is ever erased from disk.  Beyond that, it's highly likely that all existing data will continue to be migrated forward as the cost and speed of storage declines off into the indefinite future.  There's a very good chance those songs and videos will spin for decades or, without even a huge stretch, centuries.  So why do that.  Why, indeed.

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