Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Nuke Me Another One, Just Like the Other One

The START talks make it seem like a bunch of serious penguin suits are going to talk to Jesus and deal with this rascal of a problem of nuclear weapons.  I'm not sure how much they got paid but it would have been a good job to have as there would have been big bucks for salary, flashy hotels for dealing with dignitaries, and all the photo ops you like with suck-ups like Kim Kardashian.  Best of all, you don't have to deliver much of anything.

There are fifteen hundred live nukes on each side of the ongoing Cold War but what is left out of this horrifying figure is that these are the strategic nukes, the big ones that take out entire cities or states.  They are typically delivered via ICBM or submarine although the latter would be more accurately classified as tactical weapons as Captain Ramius could shoot one at Washington D.C. or Moscow with equal ease.

Where you hear nothing at all from the people who are pretending to deal with the problem is in the context of tactical nuclear weapons.  There doesn't appear to be any international treaty on their accounting or their distribution and there are many of them.  They can be shot from tanks, artillery weapons, and there's even one that a single soldier can operate.  The most demonic of all is that they have designed and built nuclear mine weapons.  There is nothing clever about them as they work just as would any other mine:  run over it and it blows up.  In case you view this as wing nut politics, read for yourself (Wiki:  Tactical Nuclear Weapons)

Among the many things unclear about tactical nukes is which ones are in service and where.  According to the Wiki a good many of these weapons have been retired but the fissionable material is carried forward into other weapons so it becomes a ludicrous nuclear Where's Waldo.

Tactical nuclear weapons do not reduce the risk of nuclear war but rather they increase it.  The risk of an accidental firing goes up proportionately with the number of deployments and it only takes one Captain Ramius to start something that will trigger the START weapons.  As we've seen with the Ukraine situation, there isn't just one Captain Ramius in-motion but rather there are many of them and you think you know which ones are commanding nuclear weapons.  In fact, you have no idea.  It might be a surprise if anyone has any idea.

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