Sunday, June 15, 2014

The Perfect North Social Security Ski Club

Joie de vivre is living every possible moment.  Multiple people in this picture, my ol' Dad included, are seventy or so and it's from 1995.

This was an early effort in compositing.  I'm sure the guy in the front right was not really there as you can see his chair does not have the correct relationship to the one next to it.  As to whomever else I glued in there, I don't know for sure.

I asked my ol' Dad about social networks and I first had to tell him what they were, what with him being dead 'n all, and he asked only why do you waste your time with silly people.  He could easily speak for an hour without repeating anything but he did not use words unless they were necessary.  So, why do you waste time on silly people.

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