Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dousing the Cigarettes in Touchie Feelie Pics on Profiles

There was no request to remove the cigarettes and I have no sense of political correctness.  It wouldn't hurt my conscience in any faint way if a kid took up any of my bad habits ... except for smoking cigarettes.  Motorcycles may hurt them but not as badly as cigarettes.

Every Web site has to have a damn profile page because everybody just has to know who the hell you are.  In fact they don't and in many cases it would be better if people didn't but they seem to like this stuff.  What that means for me is there are profiles all over the place and it will take a while to flush out all of these pics but they will go.

Part of the reason for the post is to verify whether Facebook picks up the new profile pic.  It hammered the last one I tried.  It is such woefully incompetent software.

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