Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Special Thanks to Yevette

Yevette crashed at about two last night and asked me to awaken her at five.  Yevette does not do this.  Yevette does not ever do this.

Thank you to Yevette for service way, way beyond the call.  Some guy just 'friended' me from G+.  I have no idea who he is and it turns out he's an attorney who fixes traffic tickets.  Somehow I don't think I could call him and ask him to drive me to the hospital.  Yevette did it and at five in the fookin' morning on three hours sleep.

I was feeling like a bit of a pig but then I remembered I did this too, I think it was on the most recent visit to Fort Worth.  That doesn't make us even, it just shows all the more what happens with propagated goodness.  It never works if you're expecting anything back but otherwise it seems to come back by itself.

Yevette and I were talking on the way over to the hospital and I said she's a very generous woman.  She was surprised to hear me say it even after I've been crashing on her couch for six months and her not expecting anything more than a hug once in a while.  There's something about Marigolds.

Some of you may not know the song and others may have been puzzled by it.  "There's Something About Marigolds" is not a trivial thing to me as they really do stink, they seriously stink, and many will reject them on that basis.  However, they also make charmingly colorful flowers all Summer long without needing anything more than a little rain once in a while.  Better, I'm pretty sure bunnies won't go near them so they may serve well as a perimeter around things they do like.  I guess that would make your Better Bunny Barrier.  Actually there's a lot about marigolds but people dismiss them so quickly they don't ever learn of these things.

Yevette is my good friend and I appreciate it.

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