Friday, June 20, 2014

On Yer Menu-Driven American Politics

Lotho was saying the other day is that one can, in fact, pick and choose which aspects of policy one supports as a conservative.  Well, no.  Republicans talk about financial practicality while they bomb the shit out of other countries and Democrats talk about financial possibility while they bomb the shit out of other countries.  No-one can pick and choose as there are only two teams.  You can't say I support financial conservatism but not bombing the shit out of other countries because that product doesn't exist.  It doesn't exist for me and neither does it exist for you.

And that is the problem.  I'm pissed off because Obama sucks as a Democrat.  You're pissed off because you have to call yourself a conservative instead of a Republican, a name you don't want to use because ... you can't pick and choose the elements of the platform.

The more wild-eyed Republicans talk with the passion of the Lord when they describe American military adventurism.  Doing a Blitzkrieg on Iraq was advancing the global strategic interests of the U.S.  I've had someone say that to me in almost those words.  In my life, I have never met any rational person who believes this kind of thing but politics and Jesus get people behaving like they're at the World Cup rather than bombing the shit out of other countries.

Right now I'm annoyed as Kennedy is sending military advisors into Vietnam ... whoops, no ... Obama is sending military advisors into Iraq, three hundred of them, apparently.  This marks the third try doing the same thing after failing on the two previous so if you look closely you will see Einstein pissing on Obama's head.  Einstein said it's the mark of a fool to try the same thing twice and expect something different to happen.

So Obama has failed the Democrats as profoundly as anyone ever could.  It's not clear to me why conservatives fail to take any accountability for what Bush did but so it goes.  I have no view of good guys or bad guys as I'm only interested in who delivers the product and whether the product has any value.  Right now there is no product and there hasn't been since 9/11 and the travesties Bush unleashed in the aftermath, including that eyesore of architectural sentimentality built to replace the WTC.

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