Thursday, June 12, 2014

Show Me Your Side Boob, Baby

At this stage of my life I thought I was already well-familiar with boob geography but I had not heretofore heard of the side boob.  This is something that manifests when the socialite is wearing a designer garment so poorly tailored that part of her breast (i.e. the side boob) is revealed while she walks.  Ordinarily this would be trivia of the order of knowing the brand of hair dye Sarah Palin uses to keep the grey out but the side boob is fashion news for England's Mirror.  Admittedly, it's also news for the Mirror when an Englishman gets his penis stuck in a pipe (yes, this has really happened).

This is the generation or so after the ones that thought it was so interesting to show us their lingerie.  When people were not much interested, they branched out to multi-color lingerie ... and people were still not interested.  These may have been 'designer punks' which says nothing more to me than punks who didn't get the joke.

My contempt is because the sixties approach is if you want to see breasts then you take off your shirt.  In sixty years that has evolved to 'show me your side boob, hippie baby.'


Yes, of course the garment is designed specifically to reveal the precise amount of side boob needed to get your picture into the Mirror.  That's what gives this a special award for prissiness.

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