Tuesday, June 17, 2014

You Have a Family at Cat's Art MusikCircus

The show didn't start out too well last night or, more accurately, it didn't start at all.  I couldn't find Cat but that isn't terribly uncommon as the first thing that happens in a thunderstorm in Bavaria is the Internet goes down.  I can carry a show along until she arrives so I started looking for Untolerable Bohemian ... and I could not find him either.

However, I did find Sister Julie the Poet.  She sent me a message to tell me she has now got a job.  This has been quite an emotional situation for her.  If you lose your job in America, there are only two options:  move to Fort Worth or be sold off to human traffickers.  She was exceptionally happy that she no longer has to consider those options and now you know too.  Happy Day, Sister Julie.

After some time I was thinking, hmmm, no-one is here ... my guitar is here ... I am here ... and that's when Bo showed up.  Cool ... let's get on with it.

Bo was in one hell of a state after a particularly sucky day.  I'm not going to relate the specifics as those are in his story to tell but the fact was that he was scrambled.  The one part that wasn't scrambled was that he thought if he could just play then it would bring focus and help make things make some kind of sense.  He wasn't playing any song but rather he was trying to start one and he was also talking along with it.  The words came as jazz, a stream of consciousness from someone in turmoil, and it was sad and beautiful at the same time.

lefty arrived for his set before Bo really even got started but he recognized the situation and was very cool about it.  He told Bo to play all night if he likes.  Bo may not have known it but lefty was giving away his own set as lefty can't play very late because it may upset his neighbors.  Lefty is a very generous man and I say it again as it shows you what family means at Cat's Art MusikCircus.

Bo isn't trying to find himself, he is trying to find his music and that is much, much harder.  One thing I know for sure:  he's coming to the best place to do it.

I have since heard from Cat and can tell you she is ok.  The space aliens did bring her back to Bavaria and the reporters and news cameras have now gone home.  Cat said it was ok but the space alien music wasn't very good because they were so preoccupied with minor blues progressions.

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