Friday, June 27, 2014

Silas Plays at Cat's Art MusikCircus

Silas looking all beautiful on Cat's new stage that definitely is not a sexual metaphor.  Say to yourself several times.  This stage is not a sexual metaphor.

Now try saying to yourself that rock music is not a sexual metaphor.  Try repeating that several times also.

That didn't work, did it.

So that's the prettiest sexual metaphor since "The Wall" and if rock doesn't make you ready for love then nothin' else is ever goin' do it and why even pick up the axe.

There were times playing last night where something would click just right and I'd be thinking, ok, maybe that guy can play after all.  I have not listened to the recording yet as it's painful, not because it's some huge artistic ordeal but rather I'm just not interested enough in myself to listen for an hour and a half.  I'm curious about the latest "Death March Digression" so I probably will review that.

There were not so many people there but it was cool that Pizza came back as she was there a few nights ago and came back.  She stayed for the whole show so hopefully that's a good sign.  Despite the low attendance, I will not stop alienating people.  If it's necessary to curry favor with gun-toting lunatics to succeed then I will not succeed.  My position on guns is final, it will not change.

You're supposed to hype a gig like there were a million people there but (shrug) a million people weren't there.  This is not an emotional thing to me as it would have been a miracle if people had stayed after Lara's set.  She sings in a sweet and gentle way and, well, I don't.  The set isn't deliberately abrasive but it would feel that way.  This isn't a problem as some, like Eric the Chicken Man, will stay for both sets and there's great coolness in that.  The Chicken Man likes different kinds of music and these people are the most fun of all.  Lots of people are fans of one or a small number and that's fine but people coming to the MusikCircus often want to hear lots of different things.

The number of gigs won't change as the reasons all this medical stuff started in the first place have not changed.  There is a huge funk behind that but it would not make interesting reading.  There is no way to make much sense of things just now so stay tight with Cat and play that funky music, crazy boy.

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