Monday, August 14, 2017

Cadillac Man on George W. Bush as Worse than Reagan or Truman

Cadillac Man has an excellent suggestion and I'm sure some percentage of you would be willing to prosecute him for war crimes with no more consideration needed than the time it takes to pick out a donut.

Bush was more popularly known as The Shrub relative to his father because ol' Dad really was a combat pilot while The Shrub was never more than a playboy fake.

The Shrub owns the resounding incompetence surrounding 9/11 and that didn't have to be an international disaster but Bush made it one and it continues to this day.  He and his Cabinet ignored every warning about 9/11 but then he jumped to his feet after the bombing to scream, "I am the war President."

At that moment, I turned to my friend and said, "We are completely and totally fucked."

And we were.  "The Groove Tube" had come to life and Richard Belzer was running the country.

Possibly there's some amusement as my friend said, "I wish I was with an American right now."

I thought silently to myself, "I wish I were not."

The Blitzkrieg in Iraq brought get pride to America as it pursued the now completely hackneyed protocol of regime change and it whacked Hussein as if that would make the tiniest improvement to anything.

As with every other regime change, America fucked it up and now we're in the seventeenth year of it.

Note:  Obama / Clinton are going down with him since those fuckers have been dealing from the top and bottom of the deck the entire time.  When Bush goes to The Hague, we'll send Obama's bony ass and Clinton's nondescript form with him.

The Shrub has plenty of history to justify calling him the Worst of the Worst but he was still just a baby Reagan who was covering that rotted old geezer's thinking.  Reagan cut the tax rates and The Shrub copied him.  Reagan boosted the military but The Shrub boosted it even faster than he did.  For the most part, The Shrub was just a derivative sock puppet and the source of the disease still goes back to Ronald Reagan who ensured America's bills will never be paid again.  As we saw with neoliberals, they also copied Reagan since none of them raised the taxes; none of them even tried to pay the bills.

The topic can knock around for as long as who cares who killed JFK but the Rockhouse still has Truman and Reagan for the Worst of the Worst but with Dishonorable Mentions for George Bush, Dick Cheney, Barack Obama, and Hillary Clinton.

Truman has something of an edge for the Absolute Worst for starting the Cold War.  There is no forgiveness for condemning humanity to this.

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